Title: [*a 3d racing game with commercial quality graphics*]
Description: This is a completly 3d racing game with commercial quality!!! It includes a 3d engine with support for advanced techniques like realtime shadows and reflections. You never thought this would be possible in VB. NOTICE: DirectX 8 or higher must be installed on your system. Now about the game itself: it's a Tron clone. The basic game idea of any Tron lightcycle game is that you drive a fast futuristic bike, called lightcycle. It leaves a wall where it goes, so the arena turns into a labyrinth after some time. The goal is to force the enemies to hit a wall while you should try to avoid this for yourself, of course. The last player alive is the winner. REVO TRON also invented a new game mode: the action mode. If it's switched on, you can use speedups, different weapons and shields. You'll get an item after some time which is displayed at the top-right corner of your screen. You can use this item then by pressing the space key. The action mode makes a Tron game become a real action battle! YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE COMPILED EXE VERSION AT http://revotron.tripod.com
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